Famous Indian actor Saif Ali Khan on Thursday was attacked by an intruder with a knife at his house in Bandra West, Mumbai. Since then the...
Aamir Khan recently compared Bollywood actress Khushi Kapoor to her late mother, Sridevi after watching her upcoming film Loveyapa’s trailer. In an interview with ANI, the...
After proving his mettle as an actor with his debut project “Maharaj”, Aamir Khan’s son Junaid Khan will be seen sharing the screen with Khushi Kapoor...
Smuggling of narcotics in India increased substantially in recent years. The recent surge in smuggling of narcotics in India began when Indian PM Narendra Modi held...
Republican Senator Marco Rubio has introduced a bill in the US Senate proposing that India be dealt along the same lines like allies like Japan, Israel,...
A weakened Modi: Key allies demand nearly $6bn for their states this year
Indian government ordered 'assassinations in Pakistan', reports UK publication
Pakistan Army shoots down Indian quadcopter on LoC
India's Yes Bank quarterly profit surges
India eyes doubling cash handout for women farmers ahead of vote